We didn’t know what rain meant…

We didn’t know what rain meant…

Those immortal words were spoken by a high school student touring our nation’s capitol the same day our group was in DC to meet Rep. Christensen (VI). It was just right after a spring deluge that wiped out roads and flooded the rest. And he was from Arizona.

Those words were a bit prophetic. In preparation for our trip we did not know what we were really going to encounter. Certainly we expected certain things as we prepared for home visits at Flamboyant Gardens, the first Lutheran Social Services housing community built for disabled senior citizens on St. Croix, and Ginger Thomas. Or while researching material for presentations on Nutrition for young families at Early Head Start at Queen Louise Homes or Sickle Cell Anemia for the  Americorps volunteers of Lutheran Social Services of the Virgin Islands. But, as in all clinical scenarios, as student we do not truly understand a subject until we have put our knowledge into action. And then we comprehend how much we have yet to learn.

Point Udall
Point Udall




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